Monday, June 20, 2016


I really enjoyed my first interview I attended, featuring Brian Chesky, the CEO/founder of Airbnb. I learned so much about the company that I never knew. The idea the founders had failed many times. At the time, people thought their idea was crazy. Airbnb stands for air bed and breakfast. Originally, the founders allowed people to stay at their house on an air mattress, and they promised them breakfast. This is where the name of the company came from. I was inspired by the speaker, who had such a simple idea that many people disagreed with and said it could never work out. This talk was awesome to listen to, and made me feel like any of my simplest ideas could really go a long way.

The Cannes Lions festival is extremely over-the-top in a lot of ways. A couple of companies have beaches near the festival where they build themselves and host hangouts, parties, and lectures. I went to Facebook beach first which was so awesome. They had free food out the wazoo. I ate mini sandwiches and a mini pasta salad dish. They also had a giant area filled with chocolate bars, needless to say my entire purse was filled by the time I left there. On FB beach, a guy let us use his 360 camera and told me he would email me the video we took. What's a 360 camera you may ask? Well I have no clue. So we will find out when the video is sent to me.

Next we made our way to YouTube beach which was also great. I got a delicious free smoothie. We stayed there for a lecture about VR video and how YouTube wants to be THE platform for virtual reality.

We then went to a talk called "Marry Me? How Different Relationships Apply to Brand Creativity." The speakers in this session chatted through a webcam with people from all around the world, and asked them about the brands that they have a relationship with. This lecture got me thinking about brands I have a relationship with and will always lean on. For example, Neutrogena, Apple, Ray Ban, Kendra Scott, Free People. Victoria's Secret, OPI, Calvin Klein, Oikos, Patagonia, Quest Nutrition, Mizuno, and Smirnoff are all brands that will always have my back. (I could sit here and think of many other brands I am loyal to but I won't do that to you.)

Next I found my way to happy hour of course. I was getting sick of drinking dry wine every day (apparently moscato isn't a thing here!) so I left the terrace and went back to YouTube beach where I heard they were having cocktails. We hung out there for a little and watch a nice volleyball match. It was a great time.

Then I went to the girl's lounge at a hotel down the street for dinner and to meet other women in the industry. I loved being there and will probably go back every single day. I met some awesome people who I hope to stay in touch with. Also the DJ (who was SUPER cool and worked for Dior) COMPLEMENTED MY SHOES! Great moment.

After I went to the Young Lions after party. All of us UGA peeps stuck together and danced all night together. It was so fun and we were happy to show the other "young" peeps how it's done.

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